Shopping for a new boat is fun, with so many models to look at and options to consider. One of the biggest decisions to make when deciding on a new boat purchase, or upgrading your current fishing boat, is the layout of the boat. There are definite advantages to all design styles on the market, so a lot depends on the type of fishing you will be doing and the overall goals you have for your days on the water.
What is a Center Console Boat?
The word console refers to the steering station within your boat, so a center console boat holds the steering station in the direct middle of the boat, measuring both from side-to-side and front-to-back. A center console design puts the steering wheel within easy reach of both port and starboard sides, making docking easier.
Another option is a dual console boat, which families often investigate as a hybrid for fishing and water sports. While the flexibility seems alluring, the loss of 360-degree fishing creates a barrier for many fishermen, and water sports enthusiasts miss out the advanced features of ski and wake boats like wake-shaping trim tabs and ballast tanks.
Finding the Right Boat for You
It’s easy to be blindsided by all the options available on the market. When looking at boats, however, following the 80 percent rule is key. Focus on the activity that you spend 80 percent of your time doing on-water. While there are boats out there that try to be everything, these options often water down some of the features that are the most important.
Center console boats are built for a specific purpose, fishing. A center console boat is optimized for 360-degree fishing, with a plethora of standing room and open decks for casting. Anglers can easily work alongside the railing, as there are few obstructions. This can be a key component when you are bringing in your bigger catches. In addition, the enclosed console brings good security, and the central location enhances capability on rough water.
Sea Chasers center console boats come in an array of sizes and styles. Our team works diligently to bring the options that best meet the needs of anglers, while also providing comfort and flexibility for family outings. Available reversible helm seats and U-shaped settees in the bow allow for less isolation when not actively fishing, thus eliminating the biggest cons listed with a center console purchase.
There are a variety of design options within the center console boat family, each with a specific design that meets your needs for water depth and size. Within the fiberglass boat market, outboard power center console boats continue to remain a fast-growing sector. They bring a safe ride with excellent fishability and versatile performance.
At Sea Chaser, building one of the best quality boats for a great price has always been our goal. Whether you’re looking for a pleasure boat, fishing boat, runabout, or commercial/work boat, Sea Chaser delivers the most in value, quality, and style. Find a Sea Chaser dealer near you today.