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How to take Instagram Worthy Boating Photos

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Check out these 5 essential tips for taking Instagram-worthy boating photos of your favorite Sea Chaser boat.


Remember when you were 16, showing off and taking pictures next to your muscle car?

Flash forward to today, and things probably aren’t much different with you and your Sea Chaser… And it’s only just gotten easier to brag, thanks to social media. 

But maybe you’re feeling like your pictures aren’t up to snuff or capturing your adventures well enough. We’ve got just the thing. Here are some essential tips to make taking Instagram-worthy boating photos easier than ever, plus a few informational things to remember! 

1| Take Wide Shots

Wide-angle shots are HOT right now since they allow you to showcase all of your boat and the best of it. GoPros can help you do this effortlessly by enabling you to capture even the smallest details on your boat.

2 | Shoot At Optimal Times

Sunset and sunrise are often described as magic hour, and they’re, coincidentally, the best times to shoot your Instagram-worthy boating photos! Shooting at these times removes the worry of taking overexposed or washed-out pictures since the light is often softer. Try snapping a few landscape shots to capture the vibe and show off your entire Sea Chaser.

IG Tip: Forget turning on the flash when photographing your boat, and try to use natural light to boost photo quality.

3 | Have Fun With Your Shots

Remember to employ some creativity with your pictures. You can do this by taking photos from different angles and locations on the boat. Show off with some great action shots of your family, fishing, and all the fun you’re having!

4 | Flaunt Your Favorite Boat Features

Show off your Sea Chaser in all its glowing glory! Did you customize it with LED lights and added electronics? Light them up for late-night shots to let everyone see what you’re working with! Instagram-worthy boating pictures like these will have you turning heads and collecting all the likes.

5 | Clean Up On Deck

Don’t take an awesome shot of your friend reeling in a monster catch only to have it ruined by the mess you have going on in the background. Tidy up on deck and ensure your shots are clean of anything that could place the picture in the trash and not on your IG grid.

A Few More Things To Remember:

Protect Your Tech

Protect your tech, whether you’re using a smartphone or a fancy camera, to capture the moment! Use waterproof cases or plastic bags to keep moisture out and off your lenses.

Find Balance Onboard

When you’re out on your Sea Chaser trying to snap that Instagram-worthy boating pic, it’s essential to remember the importance of stability. It’s best to try to maintain balance when out at sea by always having three points of contact in the boat. Brace your camera/phone by steadying yourself against any nearby railing and keeping both elbows locked firmly on your knees. That way, you won’t fall or slip, so you can enjoy keeping those memories afloat. 

Also, make sure to wear appropriate footwear with good grippy soles. This will help with stability and balance too!

Invest In A Camera Strap

Consider investing in a camera strap so you can always keep your camera attached to yourself while onboard. Cost-effective options are available online if you don’t have one already, including ones for smartphones!

Be Prepared For Everything

Ensure you have all the essential equipment for your excursion by double-checking your camera and smartphone battery life and having extra batteries on hand. Don’t forget to check memory card space, too – it’s always helpful to bring additional cards just in case you need more storage! If you’re using a phone, be sure to charge it beforehand; remember to bring your charger if you can juice up your phone battery onboard. 

Last But Not Least…

Be sure to take a ton of pictures! The more pictures you take, the more options you’ll have to show off. Now that you’ve read our tips on how to take Instagram-worthy boating photos, we hope you’re ready to hit the water and capture your own images too! Before you go, it’s important to remember that the perfect Sea Chaser photo is all about living in the moment and having fun (and showing us the boat too)! 

Don’t forget to tag on Instagram and Facebook too.

Sea Chaser vessels are versatile big water boats that’ll take you to where the prize fighters and game fish are. Year after model year, we deliver boating enthusiasts maximum performance, confidence and comfort with class. We offer the perfect boat at the perfect price. If you are seeking a new standard in performance, find a Sea Chaser dealer near you today.



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